Regina Steel Tip Pub Dart League
17 August 2024
Meeting called to order at 1205 with the following in attendance:
Derrick Schultz, Vince Bell, Tammy Wharton, Kim Fayant, Leigh-Anna Fayant, Rob Cobb, Mike Smith, Wilson Elgren, Brittnay Kshanowski, Mike Chalus, Kevin McLane, Rick Lavigne, Jamie Perrett(late), Jay Wirll (via zoom), as well as Randy Boehm, Shelley Bell, and Shaun Hesse from the executive.
Shelley handed out copies of the year end financial statement, AGM minutes 2023, and copies of the constitution.
Discussion: Kevin McLane inquired about the totals of money coming in and the money going out of the account. Shelley explained about the money that came in for the dart shirts that Guy arranged to have made, and that the same amount that came in was paid out to the company that created the shirts. Shelley also explained about the costs of renting the hall and banquet expenses.
Discussion: interest was shown in having the financial reports being available to the members. Shelley will arrange with Shaun to post the financial statement quarterly on the website.
Motion to accept the financial statement as presented – Mike Smith – Rob Cobb 2nd – Carried.
Randy read through the minutes from AGM 2023. Jamie Perrett pointed out that the motion he made at that meeting regarding spares should have read that no new spare players will be allowed to play after the second half of the singles tournament. Shelley will make the amendment.
Minutes accepted as amended – Jamie Perrett – Rick Lavigne – 2nd – carried
Discussion: Read through the constitution as a group
Amend 2.1.1 – add that the lineup used for match is as per scoresheet, no changes unless emergency occurs.
Amend 2.3 – Instead of reading their full change to the following.
Amend 5.1.2 – change 16 to 15.
Amend 5.1.4 – Change 16 to 15 in two areas.
Discussion– 8.0 Doe scoring – Randy went over the process of using a doe score during a game and how it works.
Motion – Mike Smith made a motion to change the doe scoring to be used as follows: Use a doe score of 26 down to game total of 28 and then use 0 score for doe and the human player would take every turn until the end of the game. 2nd by Rob Cobb – defeated
Amend 10.4 – 10.9 – Add in to all individual awards to be awarded at the executive discretion.
Motion – Derrick Schultz made a motion to Add a 10.13 under the individual award section to read as follows:
Additional outstanding individual awards may be awarded at the discretion of the executive. 2nd Wilson Elgren – Carried
Amend 12.2 – should read as follows:
Sponsorship for the winner of each division to attend one out of town national ranked tournament of their choice.
Motion – Jay Wirll made a motion that the league executive needs to add into the constitution playoff rules of play and how pares can be used in the playoffs. 2nd Derrick – carried
Motion – Rob Cobb made a motion that the constitution be accepted as amended. 2nd Jamie Perrett – carried
New Business
Discussion – Randy brought up that the executive members have been discussing the upcoming season and that we would like to run the season with three division A, B and C with four seven week quarters where after each of the first three quarters the top two teams from B and C will move up to the next division and the bottom two teams from A and B will move down a division. By doing this it ensures that teams will be filtered into the appropriate division for their skill level by the beginning of the fourth quarter. This will be an executive decision for this year, and we will reassess to determine if this will work for the league at the end of the season.
Discussion – Randy mentioned that he had some A players mention to him that the matches were ending too early in the evening. Discussed the option of adding games to the A side by changing it to three 701 team games instead of one 1001 game. Members at the meeting voiced their opinions, and the executive will leave things as is. Randy will advise the players that they don’t have to leave when the match is complete, they can stay and play. Shelley mentioned that we have lost several players from the B division because the matches were running too late. It was decided to leave the B division the same as last year, but to adjust the C slightly by cutting out some of the doubles matches or by making the games lower with scores of 701 for the team game, 501 for the doubles and 301 for singles. The board is not sure if this will be necessary, will do what they feel is appropriate after team registration is completed.
Discussion – Randy explained that the executive has decided to purchase some tablets and start using Darts Connect for matches and stats. Shaun gave a brief explanation of how the program will work and that he would explain and give a presentation at the captains meeting. Randy stated that tablets and Darts Connect are being used at some tournaments and even at nationals. Randy stated that along with using the tablets and program comes a little extra expense, therefore the registration fee will be increased to $50 per player for the year.
Randy asked if there were any concerns about any venues. A few things were brought up and the executive will address these with the venues.
- The Backyard play area is too crowded with all the tables.
- Broadways Western Pizza boards may not be at appropriate height due to the sloping floor.
Randy went over the schedule stating that:
- League start date will be 10 September 2024.
- The first half of the singles tournament will be on 23 November 2024 and the second half will be on 1 March 2025. (tentative dates)
More information regarding the schedule will be given at the captain’s meeting.
Randy asked if there was any other questions or concerns.
Kevin McLane inquired about all the money that was in the account and why we had so much left. Shelley explained that it is because she had collected all money that was owed from the members, venues and outstanding amounts owed to the league for the last two seasons. We will be spending some of that on tablets and darts connect, and awards and prizes for the upcoming season.
Motion – Mike Smith made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 2nd Kim Fayant – carried
Meeting adjourned at 14:21