AGM – 2023-08-19

Regina Steel Tip Pub Dart League

19 August 2023

Meeting was called to order at 2:14 p.m. with the following members in attendance:

Vince Bell, Gord Ramsden, Glen Goetz, Jamie Perrett, Derrick Schultz, Allan Lark, Kevin McLane, Mike Renner, Tyson Goebel, Lido Lamberti, Rick Lavigne, and board members, Guy Hassler, Randy Boehm, and Shelley Bell.

Randy went over the financials that Shelley provided to all in attendance.

Kevin was questioning the amount for registration, Shelley pointed out that he was looking at this year’s and not last year’s sheet. Kevin was satisfied with the answer.

Jay wanted to discuss the $500 That was missing, misplaced by Michael Musqua, former treasurer, and was wondering why it was not listed in the financial statement. Shelley insured him that she would enter the amount on an updated statement.

Vince made motion to accept the financial statement as discussed, 2nd by Gord.

Financial statement accepted, with amendment to add in money owed to league.

Randy read the minutes from last years AGM.

Gord mad motion to accept as read, 2nd by Jamie. Carried



Discussed the fact that this AGM was taking place long after the end of the season last year and that elections should take place later.

Jay made a motion that AGM, year end banquet and elections be on the same date within one month of the end of season play. 2nd by Alan. Carried


Discussed the two different scoresheets that Shelley had handed out. Shelley created two different sheets one for A and B division and one for C division if we needed with lower scores of 701 and 301. Most people felt there was no need for the lower scores. The board members agreed to not use the sheet with lower scores for the first half and look at it again in the second half.



Discussed what the constitution states as the guidelines that the venues are required to follow for league nights.  We decided the board would go to Birmingham’s and Gaebel’s and ask if they are willing to upgrade the boards and lighting, and if they refuse to make the necessary changes they will be dropped as a league venue.

Vince made a motion that all venues meet all the requirements set forth in the constitution and if they don’t the league can drop them as a venue. 2nd by Glen. Amendment after discussion to add that the venues must meet requirements by the first week of play for the season. Carried.


Discussed the venue and team assignments, and the fact that if a member is responsible for signing on a venue that member’s team will have the option of being home team for that venue.

Discussed having an A and a B team at each venue; it was decided that this was not likely to be possible.

Jay made a motion that teams are grandfathered into home venues according to previous years if they choose and the venue agrees. All other open spots at the venues will be assigned by draft, except in the case of a new venue that was brought on by a team. 2nd by Kevin McLane. Amendment after discussion to add that if a team is eligible for grandfathering to a certain venue, but decide to move to a new venue, the team will lose their grandfathered status and will go into draw for new venue.   Carried.

Jamie made a motion that we do not use home venues and that all teams just rotate through venues. 2nd by Vince. Defeated



 Vince made a motion that sec 2.3, in regard to SDA memberships, be removed from the constitution. 2nd by Glen. Carried

Section 3.04, Add – once both team captains have signed the scoresheet no changes will be made.

Section 3.06 Add – Home team captain is responsible for submitting the completed scoresheet to the secretary.  Both team captains should take a photo of the scoresheet.

Section 4.0 change the starting time to 7:00 p.m.

Section 4.3 – Jay made a motion that rescheduled games must be rescheduled to be played at the venue they were originally scheduled at, unless impossible. 2nd by Gord. Carried

Section 6.0 – change from 31 games to 29 games.

Alan made a motion that if there is a C division that they play singles and then doubles matches. After discussion Alan withdrew motion.

Section 6.2 Jamie made a motion that any player from the teams can diddle for starting order. 2nd by Alan. Carried.

Section 6.4 – change 701 to 1001.

Jamie made a motion that no A division player can assist another player on what to shoot. Discussion – Amendment added that no assisting while shooter is at the line.

Discussion – Amendment added that during regular season play assisting is allowed, but during playoffs no assisting allowed. Tie vote – will be tabled until next meeting.

Jamie made a motion that the visitor team fills out the line up on the scoresheet first and home last. 2nd by Murray. Carried.

Section 7.1 – Jamie made a motion to change the wording from “occasionally” to “with good reason” 2nd by Gord. Carried.

Allan made a motion to add in a section7.2 to read “all players must show darts in the board to the other team to confirm score, and if the darts are pulled out of the board before that happens the player throwing gets a score of 0. Discussion – Amendment added that the player will get one warning and if it happens again the player gets a score of 0. 2nd by Jamie. Carried.

Rick made a motion that a flat fee of $25.00 be paid by every team for a spare fee with any unused monies be returned to the team at year end. 2nd by Kevin. Carried

Jay made a motion that any outstanding money owed to the league is paid or arrangements made for payment before the member can play. 2nd by Gord. Carried.


Discussed that we, as a board decided that we are going to be paying out $250.00 for the A division winner, and $250.00 for the B division winner of the singles tournament to go towards expenses to go to nationals. No opposition. This will be decided on a yearly basis and funds allow.

Gord made a motion that if a spare player does not show up for two confirmed weeks they will be deleted from the spare sheet and will not be allowed to spare. 2nd by Vince. Carried.

Jamie made a motion that no new spare players will be allowed after the singles tournament. 2nd by Jay. Carried.

Gord made a motion that no two family members or team members be on the board at the same time. 2nd by Murray. Carried


Discussed adding 2year terms for the president and the secretary/treasurer and a one year term for the vice president. Will revisit at next meeting.*


To inform that Escape Manor will be doing the stats for us, and that the venue fee was waived for them because of this. No issues brought up.

Jamie made a motion that starting in the 2024/25 season the board members in lieu of a per diem will have their $40.00 registration fee paid for by the league. 2nd by Rick. Carried.

Meeting was dismissed at 1730 hrs.